Made in England Shoes featuring Loake Shoemakers

Made in England Shoes featuring Loake Shoemakers


Loakes  makes some of the finest Men's shoes in the world


A tradition is born
Loake is set up in Kettering, Northamptonshire, by three brothers, Thomas, John and William. The business is started in an outbuilding at Thomas Loake's house at 62 King Street.


Finding its home
Loake moves to Wood Street, where it can still be found today. In the early days, the factory is called the Unique Boot Factory. It has a floor area of approximately 20,000 sq ft, accommodates over 300 workers and is considered one of the finest and most advanced shoe factories in the country.


The war effort
Loake's contribution to the war effort includes the manufacture of Terrain boots, Convalescent boots and Despatch Riders boots for the British army. Vast quantities of Cossack boots are also made for the Russian army.


More for the forces
Every business has to allocate space for the war effort and Loake produces footwear for the forces, both Naval and RAF officers. At its peak, production runs to 2,500 pairs of screwed and stitched boots a week.


The Loake Brand
Immediately after the war the company starts to carry stock lines and the Loake brand is officially registered (although it has been in use before).


Royal approval
Loake is granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment to HM The Queen.


Service second to none
Loake acquires a new warehouse to accommodate increasing demand on its in-stock service.


Opening of our first shop
Situated in the heart of London, our first shop opens to the public in late November.

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